Restorative justice

A system of criminal justice which focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large

A Restorative Justice Programme centering around victim awareness in Pollsmoor Prison


We are a NGO based in Cape Town, South Africa providing inmates at Pollsmoor Prison with restorative justice opportunities.







Victim Awareness Programme

RESTORE’s victim awareness programme targets high-risk youth in the Western Cape who are incarcerated at Pollsmoor Correctional Centre. RESTORE has been quality assured by the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). It runs several days a week for 2,5 hours. There are between 12-15 young men in the programme. The course outcome enables the inmates to begin to think differently about crime, awakens empathy and begins to build links with key relationships. There is followup and networking with other organizations on the outside.

The course includes the topics:
*How crime affects individuals, families and communities;
*Victims and victimization;
*Repentance – How can the wrong be made right?;
*The vocabulary of Restorative Justice;
*The ripple effects of crime; 
*Making right choices;

Pollsmoor InsideOut

Pollsmoor Inside out was an initiative started by the inmates in prison as the desire grew to make amends. The young men in prison are able to make crafts to give back to the community. Seven young men were allowed out of prison to take rice bags and chessboards to an old age home in 2016. This innovative project is in need of creative ideas and donation.

Our Awesome Team

Restore is a charity set up in South Africa by Lisa Marqua-Harries and Lindsey Pettit-Lee in 2012 to deliver Restorative Justice courses for young offenders in Cape Town’s Pollsmoor Prison. After many years of voluntary prison work Lisa and Lindsey decided a consistent and systematic program would best tackle the challenges of these young offenders and so Restore was born. Both feel restorative justice encapsulates the gospel message of restoration and reconciliation and their faith is at the centre of their work.

Lisa Marqua-Harries


Lisa has worked with young offenders for the last 12 years in Cape Town’s Pollsmoor prison, as a Restorative Justice facilitator.

Lindsey Pettit-Lee


Lindsey has for the last 12 years has been working as an educator and facilitator in the juvenile section of Pollsmoor Prison.

Celeste van Es

Course facilitator

Celeste heads up the Leadership Programme & Pollsmoor Inside Out. She is very involved with aftercare on the outside and has a vision for a halfway house post-release.

Ulrik Strandvik

Chairman of the Board

Ulrik has served as Chairman of the Board for the past 5 years.

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Stopping for the one

An anxious and nervous man dressed in the regulation prison orange, tentatively entered the room as we were setting up for the days activities.  He was clearly distressed his face[…]

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September 26, 2017 0

Hurt People, Hurt People

“It is very difficult for people to believe the simple fact that every persecutor was once a victim” Alice Miller Swiss Psychologist Restorative Justice (RJ) puts victims in the centre[…]

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September 24, 2017 0


Today we did an exercise where we get our clients in prison to list all the crime they can think of —that’s easy, they can list many. What is NOT[…]

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July 11, 2017 0

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The work we do is completely voluntary and we thank you for your support and interest in this challenging but valuable work. Do contact us for more information.